We at Jammu Startups Community in association with Jammu University happy to announce that we are finally able to put up a strong event where a team of experienced investors/mentors from VisionMatrix2020 and StartupIndia are looking forward to invest in startups from Jammu.
Time for startups from Jammu to make a difference. Choose between Can I or I can – Its the Attitude that makes the difference.
What to Do – The potential startups have to submit their pitch in form of presentation. The last date is 13 March and does share presentation at contactus@jammustartups.com
Outcome: The best 10 will get an opportunity to present in front of Startup India wherein best 03 will be connected to investors. Those will not miss the top 3 slot will be mentored and assisted if their startup has potential.
Come Join us & make a difference – Let’s make Jammu Proud!!
March 15, 2018 – The Judgement Day