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About SpeakIn.
SpeakIn is Asia’s finest and largest AI-enabled network of speakers and thought leaders, aka. experts. The 21st Century where everything from food to clothes is offered at your doorstep, SpeakIn comes with a vision to provide expert services with an ease like never before. It foresights in turning into a self-serving e-commerce platform where clients can connect with an
Expert. With over 15000 speakers, SpeakIn works with corporate organizations, academic institutions and individual leaders to access verified and customized insights through one-on-one discussions or forum based knowledge sessions. The network takes immense pride in being India’s only data based matchmaking platform that connects leading experts with knowledge seekers from around the globe on an evolving set of topics.

SpeakIn operates on a four-fold basis. With Speaker Bureau bringing the experts within the reach of those who seek them, SpeakIn also engages in Speaker Marketing and Speaker events along with Expert Programs.

SpeakIn was founded by Deepshikha Kumar and Vithal Donakonda at the Indian School of Business in 2016, allowing businesses and individuals an access to handpicked experts in over 500 different topics. Deepshikha’s research says “In 2007, India was still a very ‘I know so and so’ market. Experts are brought on-board for trainings, speaker sessions, one-on-one consultations basis who the CEO or the Learning Head knows.” However, it has changed drastically in the preceding years. The market is full of self-claiming speakers with no authentic validation on one hand and established speakers on the other. SpeakIn tries to bridge the gap between expert requirements with the effective experts themselves. With SpeakIn’s curated expert list you get a trusted and cost effective way of connecting with reliable subject matter experts and thought leaders, empowering you to base yourselves on facts, instead of reading biased information online.

SpeakIn is different from the other expert networks by being the only network accessible not just by institutions but also by individuals seeking expert consultation anywhere in the world. With a wide spectrum of speakers ranging from Dr. Shashi Tharoor to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the network sails.

The platform will provide access to experts in over 500 genres and will be at least 40% cheaper than the current available competition like GLG. The model will be backed by bigger speaker database (evolving real time) where customers can search for experts of their choice, else, can put in a specific request – a matching expert will be found and connected to by SpeakIn.
SpeakIn aims to minimize the six degrees of separation among the who’s who of the world’s top thought leaders – to zero. The company boasts of multiple online and offline platforms which have brought an entire generation of thought leaders online onto one single platform for unparalleled knowledge intermediation. Deepshikha Kumar further believes that, “The traditional ways of knowledge sharing are no longer relevant. An ‘In Expert’ can provide the
same information in five minutes to institutions around the globe which takes them weeks and months to acquire through their due diligence and secondary data analysis.’

SpeakIn further intends to build an Open Talent Economy that allows unrestricted flow of people, capital, goods and services across its precincts – serving on-demand expertise. It is here to reach into the deep well of humanity’s specialized knowledge and bring it to the surface for individual and collective use.

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